Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of Chaos Comes Order...

"Out of Chaos Comes Order..." How many times have you heard that when things get crazy, out of line and frustrating is when you are on the brink of growing? Well I am here to tell you it is true!  There is no challenge we face that doesn't bring with it an opportunity of growth, both personally and professionally.

Let me give you an example... Many of you have had CA's that have been with you a long time. They are great, supportive and awesome in many ways, but due to longevity at times, they lose that 'special something' that energizes a practice. That power of 'doing' and 'being' a certain way for success.  Then something happens that causes them to quit, move on or maybe you move them on. That change brings about stress but it also brings about renewal, growth, energy and excitement for new things! So after the change occurs, you see that it was the best thing that could have happened to your office!

This type of chaos happens to all of us, but there are other forms. What about a super duper busy day in the office? It's fantastic but it brings chaos and stress to the entire team. Now if you quit there and said 'whew... we made it thru that!' but didn't take time to work on the things that made a day like that tough, you would never do it again or grow to the next level. You would never add the mental muscle it takes to be superior!

Take my advice... WELCOME CHAOS!  Welcome the frustration, welcome the change, as long as you view it in the right way and have the right mentality about it.  Have a BRING IT ON attitude for the next level vs. 'oh please let me make it through this' attitude!  Good Luck!!!

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