Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Maximize your Newspaper Coverage beyond Facebook!

A few weeks ago, a CAS Member, we'll call him Dr. Feelgood, was quoted in his local newspaper in an article about chiropractic and pregnancy.  His question to us was, "Do you have any ideas on how to utilize this article for marketing other than putting it up on Facebook?"

Below are our ideas.  You may want to save a copy for your future reference.  Also, if you have any ideas to add, please post them below!

1. Purchase extra copies of the newspaper and scatter the articles around the office for people to read.  Make it an "assignment" like you would having them read an Educational Power Card prior to their adjustment.  At the table explain that you wanted them to read the article not to see your name in print but to reinforce that they are in the right place, they are doing the right thing for their health, and that chiropractic is verybeneficial for pregnancy, child birth, etc. Then take the opportunity ask if they know anyone who's expecting.  Be sure to have a Care to Share package ready for them to pass along to their referral, as well as a copy of the article of course.  Track these efforts for follow-up and

2) Make good quality copies of the article and include them in new patient packets, make them available at screening events, etc.  Staff should give a copy to every expectant mom they know.  Ask patients who are attending child-birth classes to take some to their class for the other moms to be!

3) Send a letter to all the midwives, OB/GYN's, pregnancy groups, Mom's groups, etc. and include several copies of the article along with your business card for referrals.  Maybe even a special offer for a first visit or chiropractic pregnancy check-up.

4) Add a link to the article to your website with the headline, "See what one Goshen News reporter had to say about Dr. Feelgood!"

5) Add a little blurb to your next e-newsletter and include a link to the article.  This is another great opportunity for you to generate referrals.  Include a request asking the reader to forward the e-newsletter along to every expectant (or soon to be expecting) woman they know.  Dont' forget the fathers-to-be too! 

6) If the reporter has a Facebook page, post on her wall a thank you or kudos for the great article (and include a link to it so people who see your post have a reference).  Do the same on the newspaper's Facebook page.

NOTE: Don't forget that once your article link is posted to your practice Facebook page, all staff who are on Facebook must "share" the post with their Facebook friends so people beyond your page's followers see it!

Lots of great ideas here and of course they are specific to Dr. Feelgood's article, however they could be easily adjusted and adapted to any media exposure you receive!  Good luck and take it to the EXTREME!

Heidi Farrell

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