Sunday, February 27, 2011

Creating Retention..Get to the source of the problem...

I want you all to begin to realize, that the thing you are basing your retention on is a priceless commodity, priceless. Chiropractic and the results it provides for health and wellness is Priceless! Are you in touch with what that is worth?  The human being isn’t in touch with their power let alone what it’s worth. So you have to say to yourself, “What is it that I’m doing in my patient education that hits that point to where people start to tear as soon as they hear it?”  You have to ask yourself, “Well, what’s my job really?” With each and every patient, what is my job? That’s a fair question to ask, right? 
There’s not one right answer, in fact there’s about 100 right answers behind this thing. Based upon your answer will actually determine your retention or the capability of your future retention. Because when you ask yourself ‘what’s your job’ and your look at that and determine you have a low performance job description, that’s what you’re going to get. If you answer that you have a high performance job description, that’s what you’re going to get, and both people could be right. One person could actually say that, “My job is to get sick people well.” And that person isn’t wrong. And another person might say this and another person might say that ‘that’s my job’.   So, how is that really serving you and how is that serving your patients? And how is that serving this planet of ours? Six billion people are in desperate need of knowing what you and I know to be true.

Well, it doesn’t end there because that was only the first question, the second question is, “When does that job start?” Well, you know what, all of you should be looking around your community, truly, at all the people that are not currently under care, aren’t they already patients of yours?  You know that’s where the love begins and ends, it’s not about somebody having to read my ad or go to a screening, and then, as soon as they come to my door, “Now you’re a patient.” No, no, no. That means you’re taking the next steps. You see, they’re all patients unless they’re not and then they’re not.

So I ask you, when does your job start? And you say, “Well as soon as I answer the phone, boy we start the service up and here we go”…well, you might be a little late… if that’s your answer. When does your job start probably requires a definition on your part of when is a patient truly a patient? And then you start asking yourself, “Well, what is my job and when does it start? And then, when does it end?” When does my job end with a particular patient? We must start to answer these questions and when we do,  I’m telling you that a revival’s going to come over you because we in chiropractic have been accepting a lower performance job description. Somebody gave it to us a long time ago and we have been using it as our policy. I am burning that policy today, I am starting a brand new policy with you, and you’re co-producing it with me. And I’m telling you right now that once we define what our job is, and when does it start and when does it end then things will start happening for you greater than you have ever seen. 

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