Monday, February 14, 2011

Parker Success Principle: “There is no philosophy by which you can do a thing, if you think you can not.”

What does that mean? If I think I can’t, I can’t?  or “I can’t manifest what I desire in my life and my practice if I do not ‘believe’ that I can make it happen up here!”(In my head!)   Both are exactly correct!  Using your mind to create and manifest great things into your life is the key to your success! You and I can do anything we set our minds too.

I have to tell you though, most people have stink’in thinking.  They focus more on the negative thoughts of ‘That’ll never work for me” rather than, “It will be a challenge, but I can do it!”  I was just talking to a Dr. recently and she asked me, “Do you really look over your goals daily?  Do you do your affirmations daily? Do you really do that?”  I replied with a question.  I said “Do you bathe or shower?”  she said yes in a real funny way. I said why? So I don’t stink, she said.  Good answer I said.  Well, I ‘shower’ myself with good books, affirmations, goals and good energy so that I don’t stink mentally! 

If you don’t shower your mind, you’ll begin to STINK! Most of us talk to ourselves so badly!  We focus our minds on where we are falling apart, where we are a failure or failing in our life, instead of looking to where we are a success. This is what goes through most peoples minds everyday!  Ask yourself…’I’m a failure compared to what?”  I’ll tell you compared to what, compared to what you BELIEVE! Where are you a success?  List down all the places in your life where you are a success.

Do you realize what you focus on or think about most you become?  What are you thinking about most of the time?  Is it fear?  Fear of failure?  Fear of success?  Is it lack of money?  Lack of New Patients?  Lack, Lack, and Lack is going to get you a whole lot more of lack!  Nobody s responsible for what goes on inside your head but you!  If your innermost dominant thoughts are to remove vertebral subluxation and help people live a healthy optimal life, then have no fear, that is exactly what you will attract.  It’s not hard to attract new patients when you’re following your vision. What’s your vision in chiropractic?  Do you have one?  Most chiropractors today don’t have a clear vision. You must have ‘unusual clarity’ when it comes to your vision. That is the number one characteristic of high achievers.  When your vision is so vivid inside that it expels from every word and action that comes from you.  This vision must be bigger than you.  That is when you feel true success.  That is when your life and practice have real vitality! 

“There is no philosophy by which you can do a thing, if you think you can not.”

Is powerful positive thinking enough? Creating the right thoughts is the foundation, but what do you do next?  You have a strong, clear vision; powerful positive thoughts but now what do you do?  You need a plan and some action!  So many chiropractic teams I talk to share with me how it’s just not working well for them; they’re just not growing and they can’t seem to get their office organized.  The first thing I’ll ask them is if they have a plan.  Do you have a plan for you and your teams success and growth.  Most of the time they will say no.  So…the first thing we will do is create a plan, add some motivation and excitement and almost immediately the growth begins.  They didn’t even have to start working the plan and the growth begins because they created the right mindset, stepped into a plan and started with motivation.  That’s what it takes!

Out of a positive mindset comes a whole new level of confidence and belief.  Stretch your thinking.  Step out of the box!  Get out of the rut that you are in.  The reason most people do not get out of the ruts they are in is because they are so comfortable.  They can feel all sides and they like that!  Well, staying where you are comfortable creates nothing but comfort. Stepping out may be scary, but it will create a new level of belief and confidence in your self.  When you have ‘Belief and Confidence’ in yourself, you can make anything you desire happen.  You’ve heard it said before, if it is to be, it’s up to me.  

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