Monday, February 14, 2011


We have all heard it said again and again..."No Plan is a Plan to Fail!"  We all know its true but yet we fall short of actually 'doing' it! Planning seems to be the past thing on our list, right?  So many other things to do; I gotta go here and I gotta do this first and that second! Wait!!!!  I have to have your slam on the brakes because planning is the most important thing you could do above all else. Why you ask?  Because without a plan your drift, you have no aim, you are floating out in 'I wish it would' and 'I hope it will' instead of making it happen by following a distinct course of action. Now is the time... Sit down and take 30 minutes today to plan for your week. It's a simple start that allows you to think, strategize and plan for the upcoming weeks events and needs. Whether its delegating tasks to my team on a delegation sheet I drop in their box Monday morning or whether its facebook posts I plan for the next 2 weeks and lay them out for my team to post! It all works but you have to work the time to plan. Once you start planning, even 30 minutes at a time, you can grow to a full out planning jam session with yourself, your team, your coach, whomever!!!  Growing becomes easy when you plan to succeed and plan to empower and plan to educate. Trust me, I have guided many teams to a greater level of success and this is the one things that make the most difference so DO IT!

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