Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Maximize your Newspaper Coverage beyond Facebook!

A few weeks ago, a CAS Member, we'll call him Dr. Feelgood, was quoted in his local newspaper in an article about chiropractic and pregnancy.  His question to us was, "Do you have any ideas on how to utilize this article for marketing other than putting it up on Facebook?"

Below are our ideas.  You may want to save a copy for your future reference.  Also, if you have any ideas to add, please post them below!

1. Purchase extra copies of the newspaper and scatter the articles around the office for people to read.  Make it an "assignment" like you would having them read an Educational Power Card prior to their adjustment.  At the table explain that you wanted them to read the article not to see your name in print but to reinforce that they are in the right place, they are doing the right thing for their health, and that chiropractic is verybeneficial for pregnancy, child birth, etc. Then take the opportunity ask if they know anyone who's expecting.  Be sure to have a Care to Share package ready for them to pass along to their referral, as well as a copy of the article of course.  Track these efforts for follow-up and

2) Make good quality copies of the article and include them in new patient packets, make them available at screening events, etc.  Staff should give a copy to every expectant mom they know.  Ask patients who are attending child-birth classes to take some to their class for the other moms to be!

3) Send a letter to all the midwives, OB/GYN's, pregnancy groups, Mom's groups, etc. and include several copies of the article along with your business card for referrals.  Maybe even a special offer for a first visit or chiropractic pregnancy check-up.

4) Add a link to the article to your website with the headline, "See what one Goshen News reporter had to say about Dr. Feelgood!"

5) Add a little blurb to your next e-newsletter and include a link to the article.  This is another great opportunity for you to generate referrals.  Include a request asking the reader to forward the e-newsletter along to every expectant (or soon to be expecting) woman they know.  Dont' forget the fathers-to-be too! 

6) If the reporter has a Facebook page, post on her wall a thank you or kudos for the great article (and include a link to it so people who see your post have a reference).  Do the same on the newspaper's Facebook page.

NOTE: Don't forget that once your article link is posted to your practice Facebook page, all staff who are on Facebook must "share" the post with their Facebook friends so people beyond your page's followers see it!

Lots of great ideas here and of course they are specific to Dr. Feelgood's article, however they could be easily adjusted and adapted to any media exposure you receive!  Good luck and take it to the EXTREME!

Heidi Farrell

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Power of Visualizing what you want!

Visualizing what you want seems easy, right? However, the steps to getting what you want or at least closer to it can be harder than you think!  There are really four parts of visualization that you can learn and practice to almost assure you get the results you desire in your life!  Ready?

Part 1: How often are you visualizing?

Frequency is vital!  The number of times that you visualize your certain goal being met, the better chance of achieving it. You must see yourself achieving, performing in an amazing way.  The more frequently you repeat a clear mental picture of your best performance or result, the more rapidly it will appear in your life!

Part #2: How Long do I visualize?
The duration of the mental image is also important.  The length of time that you can hold the picture in your mind and each time you replay it helps achieve the goal.  When you deeply relax, you can often hold a mental picture of yourself excelling several seconds, and even several minutes. The longer you can hold your mental picture, the more deeply it will be impressed into your subconscious mind and the more it will show itself in your day to day life and results!

Part #3: How Clear to you see it?
How vivid is the picture? There is a direct relationship between how clearly you can see your desired goal or result in your mind and how quickly it comes into your reality. This element of visualization is what explains the powers of the Law of Attraction. The vividness of your desire directly determines how quickly it materializes in the world around you. Here is an interesting point. When you set a new goal for yourself, your image or picture of this goal will usually be vague and fuzzy. But the more often you write it, review it, and repeat it mentally, the clearer it becomes for you. Eventually, it will become crystal clear. At that point, the goal will suddenly appear in your world exactly as you imagined it.

Part #4: How Intensely do you want it?

Intensity is everything!  The amount of emotion that you attach to your visual image pushes it to become a reality. This is the most important and powerful part of the visualization process. Sometimes, if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is clear enough, your goal will immediately come true.

Remember this... the elements of frequency, duration, vividness, and intensity can help you or hurt you. Like nature, the power of visualization is neutral. Like a two-edged sword, it can cut in either direction. It can either make you a success or make you a failure. Visualization brings you whatever you vividly and intensely imagine, whether good or bad. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Empty Promises...

What do people buy?  They buy benefits, they buy promises. I’m saying that because we have for along time said, and our 'superiors' remind us, that we cannot tell people we cure things, and I agree with that. You shouldn’t be walking around telling people, “I can cure that.” Those are not the words we use, and yet as you drive around town, on billboards, and in magazines, all you see is how this drug cures this and that, asthma, allergies, etc…? Anybody see that? How could they do that on a billboard? When we have a hard time even saying to someone “Yes, we get fantastic results with this that or the other thing.”?

So you have to ask yourself, what are the promises, if any, that I’m making to my patients. You know what, you may have backed down so far that you have backed off. I’m telling you right now that you need to step up and step back in. You’re getting full permission now to step all the way back in. And the promises that they want to hear are maybe not even the ones that you’re thinking about. I promise to give you the best chiropractic care on the planet, I promise to be absolutely focused every single time you’re here, I promise to answer every question that you have, and if I don’t know the answer, I promise to research that and give you the exact answer to that question.

How many promises are there that we can and should give to our patients? If you ask yourself that, you’d probably realize that there are actually about 150 promises and I’m probably making very few. And that’s what people buy. "I promise that we will be relentless in the removal of subluxation, I promise that my sole focus is to eliminate or reduce the nerve interference to it’s smallest component and then I promise over the period of the many years to come to keep it at it’s lowest level for as long as possible and I promise that."  How are you doing with your 'promise' level?

Creating Retention..Get to the source of the problem...

I want you all to begin to realize, that the thing you are basing your retention on is a priceless commodity, priceless. Chiropractic and the results it provides for health and wellness is Priceless! Are you in touch with what that is worth?  The human being isn’t in touch with their power let alone what it’s worth. So you have to say to yourself, “What is it that I’m doing in my patient education that hits that point to where people start to tear as soon as they hear it?”  You have to ask yourself, “Well, what’s my job really?” With each and every patient, what is my job? That’s a fair question to ask, right? 
There’s not one right answer, in fact there’s about 100 right answers behind this thing. Based upon your answer will actually determine your retention or the capability of your future retention. Because when you ask yourself ‘what’s your job’ and your look at that and determine you have a low performance job description, that’s what you’re going to get. If you answer that you have a high performance job description, that’s what you’re going to get, and both people could be right. One person could actually say that, “My job is to get sick people well.” And that person isn’t wrong. And another person might say this and another person might say that ‘that’s my job’.   So, how is that really serving you and how is that serving your patients? And how is that serving this planet of ours? Six billion people are in desperate need of knowing what you and I know to be true.

Well, it doesn’t end there because that was only the first question, the second question is, “When does that job start?” Well, you know what, all of you should be looking around your community, truly, at all the people that are not currently under care, aren’t they already patients of yours?  You know that’s where the love begins and ends, it’s not about somebody having to read my ad or go to a screening, and then, as soon as they come to my door, “Now you’re a patient.” No, no, no. That means you’re taking the next steps. You see, they’re all patients unless they’re not and then they’re not.

So I ask you, when does your job start? And you say, “Well as soon as I answer the phone, boy we start the service up and here we go”…well, you might be a little late… if that’s your answer. When does your job start probably requires a definition on your part of when is a patient truly a patient? And then you start asking yourself, “Well, what is my job and when does it start? And then, when does it end?” When does my job end with a particular patient? We must start to answer these questions and when we do,  I’m telling you that a revival’s going to come over you because we in chiropractic have been accepting a lower performance job description. Somebody gave it to us a long time ago and we have been using it as our policy. I am burning that policy today, I am starting a brand new policy with you, and you’re co-producing it with me. And I’m telling you right now that once we define what our job is, and when does it start and when does it end then things will start happening for you greater than you have ever seen. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creating Referrals through the WOW Factor!

Do you think Referrals are hard to attract?  If you think so 'WIZARD', then you are RIGHT!  Its hard of you think it's hard!  You should have a practice setting that WOW's the patient. They should be excited to come and excited to leave on into their life with energy!

Do you feel you have that?  If you answered no, then work on your WOW factor.  Here are a few WOW TIPS you can addd and implement to create the excitement and energy around your practice!

  1. A Glass white board, small and simple on the front desk that looks appealing and you write daily the new patients name to welcome them.  Example: 'Welcome Judy' --- They know its for them and they get excited that you took the time to 'acknowledge' them by name!
  2. Give them a 'welcome bag' when they leave on day one. (or day two) It's simple. Get a pack of white simple bags for anywhere. is inexpensive and easy. Make a 4x4 sticker with your LOGO and add some tools and samples and a magnet plus anything you want to provide. Maybe a CD? WOW them with the right tools and info up front!
  3. Call them after their first adjustment. It never fails that this simple WOW is left out. Just do it!
Start thinking WOW, Creating WOW and Living WOW and you will rock the practice beyond yours and your patients wildest dreams!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of Chaos Comes Order...

"Out of Chaos Comes Order..." How many times have you heard that when things get crazy, out of line and frustrating is when you are on the brink of growing? Well I am here to tell you it is true!  There is no challenge we face that doesn't bring with it an opportunity of growth, both personally and professionally.

Let me give you an example... Many of you have had CA's that have been with you a long time. They are great, supportive and awesome in many ways, but due to longevity at times, they lose that 'special something' that energizes a practice. That power of 'doing' and 'being' a certain way for success.  Then something happens that causes them to quit, move on or maybe you move them on. That change brings about stress but it also brings about renewal, growth, energy and excitement for new things! So after the change occurs, you see that it was the best thing that could have happened to your office!

This type of chaos happens to all of us, but there are other forms. What about a super duper busy day in the office? It's fantastic but it brings chaos and stress to the entire team. Now if you quit there and said 'whew... we made it thru that!' but didn't take time to work on the things that made a day like that tough, you would never do it again or grow to the next level. You would never add the mental muscle it takes to be superior!

Take my advice... WELCOME CHAOS!  Welcome the frustration, welcome the change, as long as you view it in the right way and have the right mentality about it.  Have a BRING IT ON attitude for the next level vs. 'oh please let me make it through this' attitude!  Good Luck!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Parker Success Principle: “There is no philosophy by which you can do a thing, if you think you can not.”

What does that mean? If I think I can’t, I can’t?  or “I can’t manifest what I desire in my life and my practice if I do not ‘believe’ that I can make it happen up here!”(In my head!)   Both are exactly correct!  Using your mind to create and manifest great things into your life is the key to your success! You and I can do anything we set our minds too.

I have to tell you though, most people have stink’in thinking.  They focus more on the negative thoughts of ‘That’ll never work for me” rather than, “It will be a challenge, but I can do it!”  I was just talking to a Dr. recently and she asked me, “Do you really look over your goals daily?  Do you do your affirmations daily? Do you really do that?”  I replied with a question.  I said “Do you bathe or shower?”  she said yes in a real funny way. I said why? So I don’t stink, she said.  Good answer I said.  Well, I ‘shower’ myself with good books, affirmations, goals and good energy so that I don’t stink mentally! 

If you don’t shower your mind, you’ll begin to STINK! Most of us talk to ourselves so badly!  We focus our minds on where we are falling apart, where we are a failure or failing in our life, instead of looking to where we are a success. This is what goes through most peoples minds everyday!  Ask yourself…’I’m a failure compared to what?”  I’ll tell you compared to what, compared to what you BELIEVE! Where are you a success?  List down all the places in your life where you are a success.

Do you realize what you focus on or think about most you become?  What are you thinking about most of the time?  Is it fear?  Fear of failure?  Fear of success?  Is it lack of money?  Lack of New Patients?  Lack, Lack, and Lack is going to get you a whole lot more of lack!  Nobody s responsible for what goes on inside your head but you!  If your innermost dominant thoughts are to remove vertebral subluxation and help people live a healthy optimal life, then have no fear, that is exactly what you will attract.  It’s not hard to attract new patients when you’re following your vision. What’s your vision in chiropractic?  Do you have one?  Most chiropractors today don’t have a clear vision. You must have ‘unusual clarity’ when it comes to your vision. That is the number one characteristic of high achievers.  When your vision is so vivid inside that it expels from every word and action that comes from you.  This vision must be bigger than you.  That is when you feel true success.  That is when your life and practice have real vitality! 

“There is no philosophy by which you can do a thing, if you think you can not.”

Is powerful positive thinking enough? Creating the right thoughts is the foundation, but what do you do next?  You have a strong, clear vision; powerful positive thoughts but now what do you do?  You need a plan and some action!  So many chiropractic teams I talk to share with me how it’s just not working well for them; they’re just not growing and they can’t seem to get their office organized.  The first thing I’ll ask them is if they have a plan.  Do you have a plan for you and your teams success and growth.  Most of the time they will say no.  So…the first thing we will do is create a plan, add some motivation and excitement and almost immediately the growth begins.  They didn’t even have to start working the plan and the growth begins because they created the right mindset, stepped into a plan and started with motivation.  That’s what it takes!

Out of a positive mindset comes a whole new level of confidence and belief.  Stretch your thinking.  Step out of the box!  Get out of the rut that you are in.  The reason most people do not get out of the ruts they are in is because they are so comfortable.  They can feel all sides and they like that!  Well, staying where you are comfortable creates nothing but comfort. Stepping out may be scary, but it will create a new level of belief and confidence in your self.  When you have ‘Belief and Confidence’ in yourself, you can make anything you desire happen.  You’ve heard it said before, if it is to be, it’s up to me.